Sunday, April 5, 2009


This weekend was really fun. To start off i slept in till late and i love to sleep. when i woke up i had some baguette or however you call the bread. its soooo good. I went and saw maxime reff a match and then we satyed and watched the next one. In france the call it babyfoot but in america its foosball (soccer in gremany)(table soccer in america). Well that was saturday.

Today we went to the Strasbourg futboll team play. Imagine the students at a UNC home game in the finals and miltiply that by like 50 and thats how this group of fans were. they were like the team's fan club. the whole match they were cheering and clapping and cheering and clapping. THE WHOLE MATCH. It was awesome. there were some of the american kids at the game and it was really fun. Afterwards we went to maximme's grandparents house and had a really good meal. there was some much good food i didnt know where to start.
But now the day is done and i cant wait for paris tomorrow

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